WordPress Questions

WordPress Questions from our Listeners, Answered!

We recently devoted an episode of our popular WordPress web show “PressThis” to answering listener questions from our fans!

Provided below is the text round up of what we discussed as well as the video itself.

What does one domain install mean with WordPress?

This question is asked of us A LOT.

You see, a lot of premium WordPress themes and plugins use the terminology “good for one WordPress license or install” upon purchase. But what exactly does that mean for the customer?

It is true that there are plenty of companies that do not “honor” the one license scenario. In some cases, it is just a scare tactic and users can repeatedly use the software. But do you want to take that chance?

WordPress questions

One license or domain typically means just that.

If I have a website titled http://mywebsite.com and another titled http://myotherwebsite.com then that would constitute two licenses to be purchased.

If the website is WordPress Multisite, which means one website manages multiple subdomains, most premium plugins will mention in the support or FAQs whether or not they support “WordPress Multisite Installs” and advise the customer accordingly.

How do I put quizzes on a WordPress website?

While many websites are typically special cases when it comes to putting quizzes or learning courses on the site, the WordPress community does have a few solid answers.

WooThemes Sensei Quizzes

For selling courses on a WordPress website, a great plugin to use is the Sensei plugin from WooThemes.

This is going to be the best option because it ties in seamlessly with the popular WooCommerce e-commerce plugin.

If you are more of a coder, WP Courseware provides better support for editing the plugin to look like your existing website

What is the best WordPress retina display plugin?

A lot of people are grabbing retina display or Hi-DPI computer screens to make their picture extra sharp and clear.

If you are coding a website to take advantage of those displays, you want to look at the Jetpack plugin from Automattic.

Photon extension for Jetpack

Once you have installed the plugin and activated the account using your WordPress login and password, you want to activate the “Photon” extension within the Jetpack plugin.

How do you do Facebook login on a WordPress membership website?

While we have not specifically gone over this yet (might be a good topic for a future episode), we definitely have our two cents on the subject.

To log in to chat, we have talked about Disqus before, a great plugin that allows people to log in to WordPress using their Facebook or Twitter account. Again, this is only used for commenting on WordPress websites.

A free WordPress plugin that allows people to sign up to your website using Facebook is called Social Login. Social Login taps specifically into the popular BuddyPress system.


Here is the original video of our listener questions!

Hope you enjoy it. This article is brought to you by Slocum Themes which are designed to work cleanly with the above plugins.

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